


The entire 残疾学生办公室 team is available to support you 当你转换你的课程时,无论是在校园还是在网上.  请不要犹豫 通过电话、电子邮件澳门金沙注册,或直接拜访我们:

Our process has changed a little, however, we are still providing accommodations and 为金沙注册社区服务. 


We have transitioned to a fully remote registration process for students interested 在接收住宿方面.  对服务感兴趣的学生可以使用以下方法 步骤:

  • (Optional) Contact one of our representatives to discuss disability and services available 通过OSD.  如欲联络我们的办事处,请联络:
  • 通过ATLAS帐户提交残疾文件
  • 通过电话或视频会议与OSD代表会面
  • 住宿信通过电子邮件发出


学生 are still required to request a letter of accommodation for every course 他们想要使用经过批准的住宿.  学生 can request their letters online via our letter of accommodation request 形式.


Letters will be sent via email directly from the OSD representative to you to ensure 交付. 


Though some accommodations, like additional time on exams , use of a calculator, and permission to take breaks , easily translate online, some like preferential seating 不.   一些学生,特别是那些有感官障碍(如耳聋)的学生 and blindness) may require other accommodations such as a live 读者 and note taker.  If these accommodations are necessary, the OSD will provide the personnel to support these students, we will reach out to you to discuss how we can work together to accommodate 学生. 


Some students may require additional considerations due to the nature of their 残疾的人.  Their requests may be so unique that there are concerns that it could impact the outcomes 当然了.  任何这种性质的住宿都有额外的信息 on the letter of accommodation explaining the request and asking you to contact our 办公室进一步讨论. 


有些学生有资格使用其他格式的材料.  备选格式材料 allow students to have access to 材料 in a different form than it is delivered 接下来的课程.  传统上,这包括为学生提供电子 copies of the 材料 so that it can be accessed via special software called a screen 读者.  由于许多课程现在已经转移到网上,你的课程材料可能已经 使用可访问的格式.  我们鼓励你联系学院的 辅助技术专家,at scosta3@celdas.net or (407) 582-1005, if you see this accommodation on a student’s letter of accommodation 我们需要详细讨论一下.  

学生 may also request their books in alternative format by using this link.  The 残疾学生办公室 team will oversee the production of alternative 整理课程所需的材料.  




A Desk Reference Guide For 教师 prepared by the 残疾学生办公室



Enter your syllabus information in a template, and produce a fully accessible syllabus 在线教学.


Easy Test Maker

Build tests with various question types and produce a PDF that OSD can use to complete 测试请求.



Selecting textbooks and online content is an important part of designing instruction. By reviewing the accessibility of 材料 before purchase, faculty are able to support equitable access and reduce the amount of adjustments that may need to be made to 材料. 你可以向发行商询问一些简单的问题 更多关于他们的材料的可访问性.

  • Are your books available in an accessible, electronic format for students with print 残疾的人? (出版商应该能够告诉你,他们确实在美国提供图书 可访问的格式,如PDF、HTML或Daisy)
  • Can you please send me the 508 Compliance statement for the 材料 we are requesting? (这句话清楚地概述了什么是可访问的,什么是不可访问的. 欢迎联系 请你们校园的OSD协助阅读本声明.)
  • Are all video 材料 in online support 材料 captioned or do they have a full 成绩单? 如果他们有完整的笔录,你会允许我们 使用文字记录制作视频字幕? (通过使用已经存在的材料 有字幕,你不必花时间手动给材料加字幕.)
  • 是否所有在线课程都能与屏幕阅读器兼容,比如JAWS? (如果所有学生, including those with visual impairments, can access the online 材料, you will 不需要用其他作业来补充你的课程)

这些都是在你的选择过程开始时要问的问题. 请记住 that the OSD is available to you as a resource as you move forward in the important 选课材料的任务.


YouTube是一个很好的多媒体资源. 但是,请确保 你在课堂上或在线课程中使用的任何视频都有正确的字幕. 如果你 are using your own 材料, you can use YouTube to assist with captioining. 注意: 请不要在未编辑内容的情况下使用自动字幕.

  • 开设帐户. 你可以在谷歌或Youtube上做这件事.com.
  • 上传一个短视频到你的账户,这样你就可以编辑素材了.
  • 创建成绩单文件
    • Listen to your video, and type what is said, using the formatting rules below.
    • Type the text of what was said in your video and save it as a plain text file (.txt). 你可以 convert other formats (like Microsoft Word, HTML, PDF) into a plain text file 或者你也可以使用电脑上的本地程序,比如TextEdit或Notepad.
    • 为了澳门金沙注册最佳效果,请使用以下格式化技巧:
      • 使用空行强制开始新的标题.
      • 使用方括号来指定背景声音. 例如,[音乐]或[笑声].
      • Add >> to identify speakers or change of speaker.
    • 记录和设定时间
      • 你可以 transcribe your video and automatically line up your text with the speech 在视频中.
      • A 成绩单 contains the text of what is said in a video, but no time code information, 所以你需要将时间设置为与视频同步.
      • Since the 成绩单 text is automatically synchronized to your video, the 成绩单 must be in a language supported by our speech recognition technology and in the same 视频中所说的语言. 视频不建议使用文字记录 是否超过一小时或音频质量较差.
      • Choose the language for the subtitles or closed captions you want to create. 你可以 use the search bar to find languages that don't automatically show in the list.
      • Select 创建新的字幕或CC.
      • 点击视频下方 记录并设定时间.
      • 在文本字段中键入所有的语音. 如果你已经有了一个文字脚本 or .Txt,可以复制粘贴.
      • 如果你're creating closed captions, make sure to incorporate sound cues like[music]or[applause]to 识别背景声音.
      • 点击 设置时间把你的文字记录和视频同步.
      • 设置时间可能需要几分钟. 在你等待的时候,你会被带回来的 转到视频曲目列表. 一旦准备好了,你的转录就会自动 发布在你的视频上.
    • 编辑文字说明
      • 去你的 视频管理器.
      • 在要编辑字幕的视频旁边,单击 Edit > Subtitles and CC.
      • 单击要编辑的标题轨道.
      • 单击标题跟踪面板中的任何一行并编辑文本.
      • 点击 保存更改.







 这些问题 关于可访问性


Review VPAT statement, publisher answers and contact OSD with any questions





This video is designed to provide basic information about the Office for 学生 with Disabilities (OSD) and a broad overview of high incidence 残疾的人.


This video is designed to provide basic information about the Office for 学生 with Disabilities (OSD) and a broad overview of high incidence 残疾的人.


The Testing Center on each campus is able to provide accommodations to Valencia students. Accommodations are designed to allow students to demonstrate their mastery of course 材料. 点击这里澳门金沙注册关于测试中心的信息.

充耳不闻 & 重听学生

聋人学生定期去金沙注册学院学习. 本视频将回顾策略 you can use in your classroom to best support students who are 充耳不闻 hard of hearing. 口译员、字幕和评估问题都将得到解决. 充耳不闻 重听学生


记笔记是一种常见的变通方法. 观看本模块中的视频来了解原因 记笔记对学习课程非常重要.

访问文本 & 软件

This module will briefly cover what faculty should know when considering new educational 材料、软件或教科书.


The information here covers the varying types of vision impairment, the technology available to provide support, as well as instructional considerations to consider 对于你的课程. 学习如何帮助有视觉障碍的学生.