Strategic Learning Goal 3: Learning Leaders


 An essay by Lisa Armour, Ron Colburn, and Sandy Shugart

 当我们有意识地完善我们的机构文化,把学习放在第一位的时候 我们是否期待学习型领导者培养最宝贵的个人和倡议 to us.   Learning leaders are the faculty and staff who together create our students’ experience of college. While our students enjoy the responsibility for maximizing 他们自己学习,他们依靠学习的领导者来维持一个机构的充实 of possibility. 一些学习型领导者在这个过程中扮演着显而易见的角色, while others have roles that indirectly shape it. Learning leaders are found in Valencia’s 教室、图书馆、实验室、办公室、自助餐厅、庭院、走廊和停车场 lots. 他们通过将实践与以学习为中心相结合,使学生参与学习 原则,使我们的环境友好和包容,并实施制度 responsive to the demands of scholarship.


There is a deliberate shift signaled by designating faculty and staff learning leaders in our Strategic Learning Plan. Valencia, in fact, was asked to formulate a goal for 作为其与先锋学院联盟合作的一部分. We chose instead to refocus that charge and formulate a goal for all learning leaders. The outcomes associated with this goal make clear our conviction 我们都在体制改革中发挥着重要作用.


第一个结果是“金沙注册提供最好的教职员工支持 student learning.”   Student engagement is a precursor to student learning; in addition, it is the most powerful predictor of student achievement. Individually, Valencia faculty and staff employ a variety of techniques to engage students. The extent to which they 成功取决于一些难以捉摸的个人天赋,但也取决于显而易见的专业技能 attributes like skills repertoire, flexibility, and accessibility. Institutionally, 我们对提高教师可及性的重要性的认识 学生的参与导致了终身教职人数的大幅增加 faculty this year.


为了让我们有力地吸引学生学习,我们必须满足他们的基本需求 对舒适和安全的需求,准确地评估它们并将它们放在课程中 他们准备好了,在每门课程的学习过程中支持他们, 确保他们为下一阶段的学习做好准备. We must challenge 他们一方面在自己的课程作业上,另一方面又通过熟悉的方式让他们放心 other. 他们需要一个丰富多样的学习环境,并对他们的需求做出反应 differences as learners. Recruiting, hiring, inducting, and sustaining a truly fine 教师和工作人员可以共同努力,以满足学生参与的所有条件 are essential to improving learning.


第二个结果是“大学的领导权是真正共享的。 在每个层面上,教职员工都致力于学习成功.” With an investment 在我们组织内部的深度合作中,我们相信我们可以戏剧性地 improve learning. No one person can identify all our opportunities, but some person has knowledge of each of them as they arise.   If we are careful to communicate with 彼此之间,我们有绝佳的机会利用好合适的机会.


我们致力于在学院的深层架构方面取得进步 through our governance structure and support systems. That progress will be evolutionary 当我们敞开心扉,不断审视我们今天的习惯时 and will form tomorrow.   Therefore, in both our formal decision-making processes 在我们非正式的工作习惯中,我们希望培养一种深刻的共同责任感, thoughtful listening, and mutual trust.


第三个结果是“工作和学习环境滋养、充满活力、 具有挑战性和满足感,释放致力于教师和工作人员的力量 achieve unprecedented learning results with students.”   To achieve our institutional goals, we must bring out the very best in one another. That means sharing our successes 为了复制最佳实践,扩大我们的网络,让彼此参与进来 in new ventures. It means acting as advocates for those who take promising risks.   它意味着完全接受祝贺,勇敢地接受批评. Finally, it 这意味着挑战扼杀精神的盲目官僚主义,坚持工作社区 that nourishes and encourages. We should be mindful of the power of a sense of excitement about what we do. It has served us well in the past. It is a force for our future.


第四个结果指定“员工和教师得到更新和奖励 their careers.”   Ideally, the recognition of contributions encourages a cycle of rededication. 当我们看一下教职员工的完整职业道路时, 我们会受到鼓舞,看到一个庆祝他们成就的系统. We can 最好通过倾听学习型领导者告诉我们他们的发现来制定这个系统 renewing and rewarding. Performance feedback that provides affirmation and encouragement could serve as a source of renewal. Thoughtful allocation of resources for professional growth and development is a source of renewal and reward. An attractive compensation package is a recruitment tool as well as a reward for learning leaders throughout their careers.


产生四个结果的行动议程与我们“雇用, 在整个组织中培养、支持和授权学习型领导者”是一个很长的过程 one. 金沙注册战略学习中确定的一些最具挑战性的任务 Plan appear on this action agenda. They include establishing task forces to improve 评估指令并提供性能反馈和补偿的系统 faculty, and stimulating professional growth and development. We are determined that 我们以学习为中心的主动性将在这些工作组的工作中得到明显体现. 行动议程要求我们审视我们对全球学习型领导者的支持 college. Part-time or full-time, faculty or staff, all learning leaders find in themselves the capacity to improve learning at Valencia.


In the end, the college is what our students experience, no more and no less; but people determine the quality of that experience.   If we listen to one another to 参与正确的活动,我们将创造一个更强大的学习经验 for our students.


我们正在改变我们的文化,这需要我们所有人的持续努力 加强或形成深度合作的习惯,使我们的最佳元素 institutional experience guide us. Sincerity, trust, and tolerance will take us far. 我们的学习意愿是唯一能为我们赢得成功的东西.  


我们能向学生发出的拥抱学习的最有效的呼吁就是尊重 its value in our own lives and in the life of the college. That is what will ultimately distinguish us as learning leaders.