Frequently Asked Questions

学院决定试行一个新的时间表,以澳门金沙注册学生的反馈 the process from final exams. 此时间表将在以后的日期评估使用 来自学生群体和教师的反馈.

Q; Are the surveys anonymous?
Yes, survey responses are anonymous. Professors and deans will not see any responses until after grades are submitted. Even then, no student names are associated with comments. 学生可以选择“发送证明”(见此信息)  handout),但即便如此,实际的调查结果也不会发给教授或院长.

Q: Why can't I log in?


  1. 我们发现,对于一些学生来说,他们上次更改Atlas密码时, 他们没有在金沙注册的所有系统中正确同步. The only way to force a reset is to change your Atlas password again. We understand that this can be an inconvenience, and apologize for that. If you remember your previous Atlas password, you might be successful using that to log in.
  2. 如果您收到“不是一个有效的CoursEval用户”错误,那么您就不是 added to the CoursEval system. 新用户是在学期的不同时间添加的 just before surveys launch. 请参考我们的调查时间表 dates. 当您的可用调查打开时,您将收到电子邮件通知 and will have access at that time.

Q: Oops! I filled out the survey wrong—can you reset it for me? I can't see my completed surveys? 

学生可以编辑他们的调查回复,直到调查结束. To edit your responses, click on SURVEYS 在主页的左上角,选择 COMPLETED SURVEYS. All of your completed surveys will be displayed. You can bring the most recent completion 到列表的顶部,通过选择右侧的向下箭头 Date/Time Completed. Select Edit Survey Answers in the Date Closed column to edit your responses.

CoursEval是一个门户系统,很像Atlas,学生和教师都必须登录 in to; therefore, we cannot generate unique URLs for each course. The URL for the portal is 用户应该使用他们的常规金沙注册凭据登录.

Additional questions?

问:这份课程/学生名单看起来不太对劲:缺了点什么还是有什么 is showing that shouldn’t be.
参加SFI的学生名单应该反映所有被录取的人 who stayed in your class and those who withdrew). The decision to make the survey 对退学的学生开放是学校做出的决定. If any courses are 失踪,或学生似乎不正确或遗漏的名单,他们是 目前已注册,请澳门金沙注册的办公室寻求帮助. Please contact Deidre Holmes DuBois at 问一些与学院决策有关的问题. Please see her related governance update from Fall 2013 here:

问:如果我无法使用报告看到正确的调查结果,我该怎么办 tools?
首先检查您的过滤器,以确保它们不会阻止您查看数据 you need.  The filters can be found beneath the menu:

如果在清除了所有的过滤器之后,你仍然没有看到你需要的课程, please contact Institutional Evaluation at

问:我没有做调查,澳门金沙注册截止日期已经过去了. Can you re-open it for me?
不幸的是,一旦调查结束,我们就无法重新打开它. The faculty and 院长们很重视你的反馈,希望你能参加未来的学期.


  • 要将完成证明发送给您的教练,请遵循以下步骤:

    1. Log into CoursEval:

    2. Select the Surveys 链接到主页的左上角,然后选择 Completed Surveys.

    *注:如果你是在移动网站,请点击 Full Site link to be able to access your Completed Surveys.

    3. 在“完成的调查”页面上,通过单击确保显示最新的调查 on the downward arrow to the right of Date/Time Completed.

    4. In the Date/Time Completed column, click on the Send Proof link for your completed survey. An email will be sent to your professor letting them know that you have completed the course survey.

发送证明选项发送电子邮件给教练,告诉他们你有 successfully submitted your survey. This is what the message will say and it does not include your survey responses:


Participant............: Your Name
Date/Time Submitted....: The date and time submitted

Survey.................: Survey Name
Course Number..........: Course Number
Course Name............: Course Name
Course Section.........: Course Section

问:为什么在学期末前要对学生进行调查 being administered earlier than before?
决定在学期结束前和不同时期开展调查 这学期是由教师们制定的,他们正在对这些变化进行试点 研究表明,最好将这些调查与期末考试分开. This schedule 是否会在以后使用学生和教师的反馈进行评估. SFI管理日期的副本可在此找到:

调查软件(CoursEval)目前不允许单点登录 CANVAS. 公司一直在研究这个问题,我们希望有这个功能 available soon. 同时,学生可以通过点击进入调查门户 这个链接嵌在我们所有的电子邮件通信中. Additionally, the "Student 教学反馈(SFI) -课程”链接将在CANVAS中指导学生 to the CoursEval portal.

问:为什么不是我教的所有课程都出现在课程列表上 take the SFI?
教师们决定尝试一种新的时间表来管理学生的SFI.  该时间表将在晚些时候进行审查,并将包括双方的反馈 the student population and faculty members.  SFI schedule of administration dates can be found at:

教师不能在CoursEval中为他们自己的个人调查添加问题. However, faculty members are able to use the Qualtrics online survey tool,这使得他们可以创建和管理金沙注册学院的定制调查 students.